Army Wives: Mother May I?

Army Wives: Mother May I?

Posted by Dustin on 08.18.2008 at 9:41 pm

Aside from the Claudia Joy storyline, I really wasn’t feeling the latest episode of “Army Wives.” As with the past few ones, I’m mixing my thoughts in with the recap. This time mostly because so many of the story lines just dragged and I don’t have much to recap really.

Pam helped Roxy study for her GED test. Roxy was a pile of nerves, even though she knew the stuff backwards and forwards. When she got to the school to take it, she panicked and ran out, thinking she didn’t need a GED that much. She admitted to Pam she was only doing it for the boys, for them to be proud of her. Pam said they’d be proud of her regardless. Eventually, when nobody was pushing her and the pressure was off, Roxy told Rolland she wanted to take the test, she was ready. She took it and aced it. All her friends gave her a little party to celebrate.

Roland counseled a boy whose father was killed in Iraq. He seemed to be coping, but his mother wasn’t. As it turned out, neither were. The mother felt guilt ridden and blamed herself for her husband’s death. The father wanted to get out of the army, but she pushed him to stay in as he was close to retirement. She felt she pushed their luck, and he was killed. She was then handing over the death royalties to the son, who was spending like there was no tomorrow. In the end Roland helped them out. I’m starting to feel about Roland as I felt about Claudia Joy a few weeks ago. It seems they (the writers) aren’t sure what to do with Roland, so they are giving him all these causes to champion week after week. Joan was no where to be found in this episode.

Denise spent the first half of the episode trying to skirt what happened with Getty with Frank. He confronted her about seeing her kissing his hand. She said the man was dying, it was sad, she worked with him every day. However after meeting with Getty’s father, who told her that his son was in love with her, she couldn’t skirt it anymore. She was caught covering up her bike and finally told Frank what was going on between her and Getty. She said they got close, she didn’t know if she loved him, but they kissed. However she wouldn’t let it go further. He stormed off in anger.

Frank wanted to return to Iraq, venting to Michael, but Michael felt he needed to fix this first. Frank went to talk to Denise, who suggested marriage counseling. He agreed to do whatever it took to save the marriage. Honestly, this shocked me. I did not expect Frank to just roll over so easily on something like this, and that says a lot about him and his willingness to make this marriage work. So Frank gets points in my book for that. Of course I’m also expecting to take those points away should he storm out of the counseling meetings, which I am expecting him to.

Finally the one story of the episode I liked, Claudia Joy’s mother came to visit. Claudia Joy was a bit shocked, it was unnanounced, without her father, her mother brought almost no luggage and traveled coach! Apparently her parents are well off and this is just unheard of. You could tell, there was trouble in paradise. To make things more stressfull, Claudia Joy has never been close with her mom. Apparently her mom was the disciplinary figure, while the father was the warm one showing all the love. The father called Claudia Joy time and time again after Amanda died, her mother didn’t. Eventually Claudia Joy heard from her dad, who had no idea where her mom was. As it turned out, yup, the mom left the father and announced she was getting a divorce. Poor Claudia Joy didn’t understand, until the mother broke down. It seems her father has a gambling problem and over years had gambled everything away. Her mom tried to hide (ie protect) her from this truth, but she couldn’t anymore.

Though I felt this story was predictable, I liked it. I knew there was trouble in paradise, it kept me interested to find out what the trouble was. I was thinking the father was cheating and the mother couldn’t take it anymore. The gambling problem was a nice surprise, even if I didn’t pick up on those hints, which I should have.

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Army Wives

Big Brother: Renny Puts Two Up

Big Brother: Renny Puts Two Up

Posted by Dustin on 08.18.2008 at 12:30 pm

So last night was the nomination ceremony, but before that, the food comp. The house guests had to battle it out in eating gross foods: crickets, pig ears and slop. The only one who got stuck with slop was poor Jerry, whose apparently been on it for 20 days straight now and was chocking it down.

Renny then had to make her picks. She knew she wanted April up, and tried to feel people out on her side as pawns, namely Dan and Memphis. Dan didn’t like the idea, but it was her choice. Memphis flat out said no way, the pawn always goes home.

Renny is becoming more and more suspicious of Memphis in the game, especially how close he’s getting to Keesha. She’s worried Memphis is using Keesha, or they might have a deal. Keesha says she doesn’t have a deal with anymore anymore.

Renny also felt Michelle out, having a talk with her about where she’s standing, if she’d put her up next week. Of course Michelle said no, she likes Renny and she’s never gone back on her word in this game. What they didn’t show, but did show on “After Dark,” was Renny and Michelle talking final two talk. Michelle had said something like she didn’t think anyone would take her, but Renny said something like “I would.”

In the end, Renny put up April and Jerry. April because she’s a fierce competitor (what she didn’t say is she can’t stand her) and Jerry for putting her up week one. What they also didn’t show, was that Renny told Jerry that he would be okay, that April was her target.

“After Dark” has been pretty quiet (ie boring) lately, so not much to report I’m afraid. A few minor tidbits relating to POV follow.

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Big Brother 10

Swingtown: Final Two Episode Spoilers

Swingtown: Final Two Episode Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 08.17.2008 at 3:06 pm

The following are the official spoilers for the final two episodes of “Swingtown.” As of yet nothing has been announced regarding the show’s renewal.

On a side note, my recap for this past Friday’s show will be posted sometime this week. I need to watch it again. Also note, there is no episode this coming Friday.

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Renny’s Nominations On Big Brother! POV Added!

Renny’s Nominations On Big Brother! POV Added!

Posted by Dustin on 08.15.2008 at 9:53 pm

Renny made her nominations tonight in the house. They’ll air Sunday. If you don’t have feeds or “After Dark” and you can’t wait to find out, read on !

BONUS! Some POV info added in now too!


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Weeds: Nancy Went To Mexico And Back

Weeds: Nancy Went To Mexico And Back

Posted by Dustin on 08.15.2008 at 2:27 pm

Okay I know, it’s been awhile since I posted on “Weeds.” It’s one of those shows I enjoy watching, I just find difficult writing about. I also seem to have a love/hate relationship with the show. Either I think an episode is really on the money, or misses the mark all together. Here are my thoughts on a bunch of the story lines that have gone on since I last wrote about the show.

Doug and Andy have decided to become coyotes. We aren’t talking about the dancing on the bar half naked ones, we are talking about people who help smuggle Mexicans across the border. Doug is in on this because he’s fallen in love with a Mexican girl and is trying to find her. For me this story is a miss. I am just not that into it. I think my main problem is the whole Doug aspect of it. I hate to say it, but so many other characters from last season were dropped or written out, Doug should have been one too. I am just not seeing the point of him being there still, and think he’s only still there because he’s Kevin Nealon. Even Nancy said to him in the latest episode “Didn’t I tell you to move out?”

Isabelle came to live with her mom Celia when her dad moved away and got a new job. Thank you “Weeds!” Isabelle is one of my faves on the show, I actually like her more than Nancy’s kids. Now I just want them to use her a bit more.

Celia has become a full fledged junkie, giving away merchandise at the store in order to get cash to by blow and heroine. Too funny that “Mrs Say No” is now a junkie. She was always the goody goody, the moral one of the show. Intervention time!

Nancy has started up a relationship with Esteban, who is not only the drug lord behind her whole operation right now, but the mayor of some city in Mexico. These two are actually smoking hot together, but I’m worried where things will go. Esteban’s own men are telling him that Nancy is a problem and he’s getting reckless. I think the sweetness of this (as sweet as this situation can be) will soon come to an end when Esteban realizes he has to do away with Nancy . . . permanently. I think that might be how the season ends, with a hit going out on Nancy.

Sylas is having sex with his neighbor, the hot mom Andy liked. Not only that, they are running a grow house in the back of her cheese shop. The one thing I liked about this story was Nancy confronting them, basically telling them they had no idea what they were doing or how to do it and of course telling the woman that her son would be 18 one day very soon! Go Nancy! This is another storyline that’s pretty much a miss for me.

Shane’s story has taken a hilarious, yet disturbing turn. Not wanting to be the bullied nobody at school, he smashed the most popular kid in the face with a lunch tray. Rather than make him popular, he’s now feared! The entire school thinks he’s nuts, and the goth girls love him. This is going to be hilarious, now just get Isabelle in as the side-kick. On the disturbing side of things, Nancy and Andy caught Shane with naked photos of his mother that he was, well, spending a lot of alone time with. Grooooossssssss! Nancy’s talk to him (and Sylas) was hilarious, and how she ended them with how they would never ever speak of this situation again.

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Big Brother: First Evicted Jury House Member And The New HOH

Big Brother: First Evicted Jury House Member And The New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 08.14.2008 at 9:02 pm

As usual with the live eviction shows, a lot of recapping was done by Julie Chen and various clips in the begining.

After Jerry’s speech at the POV, the house guests were wondering what is going on in Jerry’s head. People are turning on Jerry left and right. Memphis had serious issues with the Judas’ reference, Michelle thought it put a target on his back, Renny thinks Jerry is looking worse than Dan. Dan is of course eating this up.

April launched her plan to get Keesha out, and of course Ollie was right there with her and everything she says. Jerry of course will also do what April asks him to, even if it means going back on his word to Keesha that she’d be safe. Ollie and April discussed how to bring Dan in as the 4th vote, thinking they could make him see the other side wouldn’t keep him. Ollie talked to Libra about talking to Dan to flip the house and evicting Keesha.

Libra went to talk to Dan. She wanted to know where he was sitting with the vote coming up. Libra warned Dan there could be a split in the votes this week, which again makes him a vote. Dan seriously considered it, knowing while Keesha would be angry, but Libra would be on his side and would be a major target for others.

Dan and Memphis formed an alliance and want to stick with Keesha and Renny for a few weeks, it will get them in good. They called themselves The Renegades.

We got to meet Libra’s family this week and hear their reactions to things said about Libra, including Michelle venting she was a terrible mom and should have her kids taken away. Libra’s husband said that is something you should never wish on someone else.

The house guests all talk to Julie. Julie asks Dan if his faith, which has been brought up a lot, influences how he plays? He says yes, but he knows he’s made mistakes. He will go to confession the moment he gets out of here. Julie then asks Jerry if he still feels Dan is a Judas. He said somewhat, and he feels bad that religion became a prop in the game.

The vote began. Libra and Keesha both gave their speeches, saying they both knew why they were up here and took full responsibility for what they have done. Renny and Memphis both voted to evict Libra. Jerry ended up voting to evict Libra. Dan then voted to evict Libra, sealing the deal to get Libra out. April and Ollie then voted to evict Libra. Julie then told Libra that she was evicted unanimously. Libra gave everyone a hug (except Michell?) as she went out.

Julie asked Libra questions about her alliance and April and Keesha. Libra felt they would be friends outside of the house, inside they were too much alike. She was also asked about how people thought she was the puppet master. Libra agrees she did some dirt, it caught up to her, but she had fun. Julie then asked about leaving her family behind and why she did it. Libra said she left to do something for them, to take the chance to win. She also said it was about the challenge as well. She then watched the goodbye messages.

The HOH competition began and it was a trivia competition based on the diary room confessions. Quotes were read that the evicted guests said, they had to guess who said it. Answering incorrectly got you out, answering correctly let you eliminate someone. In the end the new HOH was Renny, coming down to Keesha or Renny.

I am on cloud nine! Go Renny!

Action Alert! America gets to vote to give the house an unlimited supply of a certain kind of food. Lollipops, coconuts and bologna are the options. You can vote online at


You’re Out, And Your Work Was NOT Shear Genius

You’re Out, And Your Work Was NOT Shear Genius

Posted by Dustin on 08.14.2008 at 7:32 pm

On “Project Runway,” the designers paired in team competitions in order to design an outfit for Brooke Shield’s character on “Lipstick Jungle.” The winning outfit will be seen next season on the show.

I really hate the team competitions, because I never think it’s a fair way to judge who should go home from the team. This time was no exception either. In the bottom was Keli, who had Daniel on her team. When asked who should go home, Keli point blank threw Daniel under the bus. She said while the design was hers, that she has been in the top many times, where Daniel was always in the bottom. Daniel felt it was her design and she should go home, and that he has very elegant taste. This made a fellow designer burst out laughing, as she kept saying throughout the show that Daniel keeps saying this but has never shown it in competition.

Now usually I feel the designer who designed the outfit should go home, unless the partner was a complete slacker or problem. This time if one of them had to go, I agreed with Keli, it should have been Daniel. I have not liked any of his work at all, even Heidi in her comments felt he was bringing nothing to the table in this competion. Keli however was sent packing, which is a loss. Daniel will be going in the next two weeks I’m sure. Also in the bottom was Blane, with his beach inspired outfit. Honestly I felt he should have been sent home over anyone, but he wasn’t.

Winning this competition was Keith, who made an outfit that was nice, but again I didn’t think should have won. They had to create an outfit that could go from the board room to the club, his was more of a night outfit. I felt Latrelle should have won this challenge.

Next week Chris from last season returns in a “Runway” first, a drag queen challenge! Yes they must design an outfit for a drag queen. This should be really good.

On “Shear Genius” the stylists had to cut the hair of their relatives, but not THEIR relative. Instead each stylist had to do the hair of a different stylist’s relative. Charlie once again won the challenge, which I don’t think he should have in this case. I’m also biased, as I really don’t like him. I thought Daniel did a better job this time around.

The shocker was who went home. It came down to Nicole and Paulo, and Paulo was sent packing. I don’t like him that much, but I felt Nicole’s cut was a little worse. She gave Dee’s mom this really short stiff looking hair-do. I like Nicole though, so I was happy to see her stay at least another week. Though I don’t expect her to win, I think she’ll go next week. This competition is probably going to come down to Charlie and Daniel, maybe Dee.


Heroes Premier Spoilers

Heroes Premier Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 08.14.2008 at 7:06 pm

Official NBC listings for the debut of “Heroes” on September 22nd. This is a two hour, two episodes back to back premier begining at 9pm. At 8pm will be a special 1 hour recap episode of last season.

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TV Ramblings

Batdancing On Dancing With The Stars?

Batdancing On Dancing With The Stars?

Posted by Dustin on 08.14.2008 at 1:11 pm

Adam West’s publicist has confirmed he has been contacted to be on the next season of “Dancing With The Stars.” The 80 year old is best known for playing Batman on the 1960s syndicated show. Contestants are expected to be announced on August 25th.

Source: The Post Chronicle

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Dancing With The Stars

Army Wives Creator Out?

Army Wives Creator Out?

Posted by Dustin on 08.14.2008 at 11:32 am

This bit of news is pretty big. Ausiello is reporting a scoop that Katherine Fugate, creator of “Army Wives,” has been fired!

Apparently Ausiello feels it won’t mean much of a change, as Nick Thiel has been running the show for months and everyone on set is happy with him. Let’s just hope that this drama doesn’t spill over into the show and upset the balance of it.

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