ABC Spoilers End of October/Early November

ABC Spoilers End of October/Early November

Posted by Dustin on 10.21.2012 at 3:49 pm

Below are some spoilers for the end of October and Early November for several ABC shows. So far I am watching “Nashville,” but haven’t officially added it. As usual most of the new shows I’ve chosen to watch are doing horrid in the ratings (“666 Park Avenue!”), and the ones I can’t seem to get into already have been given a full season (“Revolution on NBC”).

In this bunch . . . .
– On “Once Upon A Time,” Emma’s past is revealed, and Jorge Garcia guests as “The Giant.”
– On “Revenge,” it looks like Emily and Amanda are having trouble keeping the truth a secret, but we know it won’t come out.
– On “666,” a pivotal episode leads Jane to learn how she and her past is connected to The Drake!
– On “Castle,” Castle ends up the suspect of a murder!
– On “Private Practice,” Alfre Woodard guests as Sam’s mom, as Sam begins staring in a reality show which causes issues for the other doctors.
– On “Grey’s Anatomy,” Jackson’s mom Catherine returns! Also Derek faces the fact he may never operate again . . . This storyline likely paves the way to introduce Neve Campbell who is set to guest as one of his sisters, many suspect the sister who went into psychiatry.

Read on for all the spoilers . . .

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666 Park Avenue, Castle, Grey's Anatomy, Once Upon A Time, Private Practice, Revenge

Grey’s Anatomy: The Chief Gets Around!

Grey’s Anatomy: The Chief Gets Around!

Posted by Dustin on 10.21.2012 at 2:54 pm

So it’s been a few days since “Grey’s Anatomy,” and I’m trying to remember all that happened! The major story dealt with the survivors of the crash trying to make a decision on whether they should accept a boatload of money from the airline company as a settlement. Initially it looked like all were in favor, but Derek thought about cases where the hospital has had to settle. They made sure that mistake never happened again, he wasn’t confident that the airlines would. He thought they’d stop looking into what went wrong and move on. So in the end, everyone rejected the settlement.

Elsewhere, Christina bonded with Mr. Feeny (the guy from her boards she clashed with, I don’t know his name on this show, just “Boy Meets World”) at the hospital. He too was in a plane crash during Vietnam. During a surgery she saw him work and found respect for the technique that he had perfected. At the same time his words of wisdom to her had double meaning. When she asked how he could do what he did, he said he had no family, he dedicated his life to this and nothing else. He suggested she find her technique, her signature, and work to perfect it . . . My guess is this will make her not only think about Owen, but the child she chose to give up . . . I think this is what will send her back to Seattle.

Arizona continued to be a mess, until Callie broke down in front of her trying to help her one night. Arizona had fired her nurse and then pissed herself trying to make it to the toilet. Callie threw her in the shower and screamed at her “This is now my life too!” Hopefully this will be a turn around moment for her, as her pity party needs to end. I honestly was waiting for Callie to tell her that she’s sorry she had her leg removed, clearly it would have been easier to let her die!

April is back, and she and Jackson have been doing their best to avoid the sexual tension. April is trying to “re-virginize” herself through abstaining and prayer. From the previews, it looks like that fails. I still HATE that they failed April. I kept hoping it would be over turned, that someone maybe discriminated against her prayer answer, or she’d get another shot before waiting a whole year. However, it doesn’t seem like they will be going there. The best line of this whole episode was probably said by Meridith after she confronted Jackson over his taking April’s virginity. He said she gave it up, and he was in a bad place because he just found out that The Chief was banging his mom. She told him “If it makes you feel any better, he banged my mom too!”


Catching Up On Revolution

Catching Up On Revolution

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2012 at 7:40 pm

My Monday’s at 10pm are pretty full between “Castle” and “Hawaii Five-0,” so I have to put “Revolution” off until it’s on Hulu or re-runs on Saturdays. I also have to admit I just can’t seem to get into it. I liked the idea at first, but it’s very heavy on fighting and action sequences, which just seems to dominate much of the hour. I also get aggravated by the “junk science” as one of my friends put it. She’s not a fan of the show much either. As another one of my friends who is a big fan astutely noted, I also never got into “Lost,” and this is just another version of “Lost.” If you think about it, it kind of is.

One thing is for sure with this series, don’t get too attached to someone, as you never know how long they will be around. I was shocked that they killed off Maggie so soon! I actually really liked her. The latest episode didn’t look good for Nora for awhile either. Something tells me she will probably go before long too given her recklessness at times. Though they seem to be billing her as a love interest for Miles . . . though my guess is Rachel will end up with Miles. I guess that might be icky though come to think of it.

Monroe has been having Tom bring Danny to Philadelphia in order to push Rachel into telling him the secrets he needs to turn the lights back on. Charlie, Miles and the others tried to stop Tom from taking Danny via a train, but they failed. This was one of my issues with this latest episode, as well as this show in general. Everyone was stunned that Monroe had got himself a working train, it was bad news . . . It’s been fifteen years! Did all the smart people get killed off or something? Fifteen years to get a train working? I mean you only really had to have made it through 6th grade to know about steam engines and trains!

Monroe is fighting off other republics, which is why he so badly wants electricity. We saw a map of the new United States in this episode. The Monroe Republic is the Northeast, with Philadelphia as their capital. To the south is the George Republic, and in the Midwest the Plains Republic. There is also Texas, The California Republic which is the west coast. The Southwest has become a wasteland area. There is something really amusing about the map they showed . . . Texas is basically still Texas!

Rachel, fearing what would happen to Danny, finally told Monroe what he wanted to know. She and her husband were working on something before the lights went out, some type of pendant. She drew it for him, which is what Aaron Google Guy has in his possession. However apparently for it to work properly, he has to assemble or gather all 12 of them. Yup, twelve pendants scattered across the land! This is clearly how they plan to drag this show out. Also we still don’t know why the lights went out, and what they have to do with this pendant project they were working on.

We also learned Captain Tom’s back story in this latest episode, and met his wife (played by Kim Raver) and his son Jacob. It was great to see Kim again. It was was no shock that Jacob turned out to be Nate, the militia guy who has a thing for Charlie. This storyline is so “Twilightish” it makes me a bit ill.

Charlie, Miles, Aaron and Nora headed for Philadelphia on foot by the end of the episode . . .

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American Horror Story: Asylum Premier!

American Horror Story: Asylum Premier!

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2012 at 11:16 am

So last night was the big debut of “American Horror Story: Asylum.” Unfortunately many people found out the hard way that the tagline of Asylum meant your old DVR settings wouldn’t record the show. Reset your DVRs! I’m sure the premier will be played to death over this week. Otherwise here is a quick recap before my thoughts . . .

The show began with Theresa and Leo (Adam Levine) as a horny honeymooning couple that gets turned on by visiting the most haunted places in America and doing it there. This is what brought them to Briarcliff Asylum outside of Boston. The asylum’s most notorious inmate was the serial killer “Bloody Face,” who killed and skinned three women in the 60s. As they are getting kinky in the ruined and abandoned asylum, something or someone grabs Leo from behind a prison door, through a window, and rips his arm off. As Theresa attempts to find help, something stalks her! Well that sucks, there goes the shows “sexy!”

Back in the 60s, we meet the staff of the hospital when it was running. The catholic church runs the place, and the head is Monsignor Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes) along with Sister Jude (Jessica Lange). Jude seems to be a prude, as she wears sexy red lingerie under her robes and lusts after Howard. Sister Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe) assists Jude in running the place. Jude believes she runs the hospital, but Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell) thinks he’s the real pioneer. Where Jude puts her faith in God curing these inmates, Arden is a man of science. He seems to be on a quest to understand insanity, and his experiments on the patients are anything but ethical. He keeps what he’s doing a secret, and appears to have Howard’s blessings. Jude however is vowing to find out what he’s up to. Four of his patients have died, each four fortunately have no family to ask questions, and Arden claimed the bodies had been cremated. However there is something living out in the woods outside of the asylum which Arden sends Mary Eunice to feed . . . .

Meanwhile Kit Walker (Evan Peters, Tate from last season) is a garage mechanic and secretly married to a black woman. He wants to reveal his marriage to their families, she does not yet as the times aren’t ready. For now it appears she’s posing as his maid. One night something comes out of the sky and apparently abducts them both. It would seem his wife was later found dead, skinned alive. This matches two other murders in the region, and so he’s arrested as the killer known as “Bloody Face.” This killer wears the skin of his victims like a mask, so rumor has it. He is taken to Briarcliff until the courts decide his fate, and Arden takes a keen interest in him and his brain. Kit claims “little green men” took him and his wife, but nobody believes him.

Enter Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson, the psychic from last season) and her partner Wendy (Clea DuVall). Wendy is a third grade science teacher, Lana a reporter for the local paper. They are lesbians, but because of the times posing as “roommates.” Lana heads to the asylum under the guise of doing a story on the bread they bake and sell for charity, but what she wants is the story on Bloodyface. Jude throws her out, but she finds a way to sneak back in later. At this point Arden has Kit on his table and finds some bizarre chip implanted in his neck. The chip then sprouts legs like a spider and crawls off! Lana is sneaking around and is knocked out by something or someone, and is later found by Jude. Jude knows her dirty little secret she’s been hiding in the closet, and has decided to cure her. She blackmailed Wendy into signing papers to commit her, saying if the truth about them came out then her career would be over. The show basically ended with Lana being locked up with the rest of the inmates, but not before befriending another one Grace, who seems to be the only sane person there aside from Kit.

The premier was definitely not what I was expecting. We knew things would be different. We were told about the asylum long ago, and that there would not be ghosts this season. However I never expected aliens! I have to say I hate alien abduction stories. Of all genres of horror, they are the ones I hate the most because they are the most possible to actually happen as far as I’m concerned.

I don’t know if I like the idea of aliens on the show to be honest. I feel like a story about a serial killer, possible medical mutants, and an asylum is enough. The alien aspect made me immediately feel like they jumped the shark, and it’s only episode one of season two! Of course we don’t know the whole story yet. Was it really aliens? Could it be something else? The chip spider definitely will be hard to explain, unless the doctor is crazy too.

Is Kit Walker the killer? It seems right now there could be two other explanations. One, alien abductions are going on and they are the real killers. Another possible explanation is the medical mutants that Arden is making are the killers, and Kit just assumed they were aliens. But again, what was the deal with the chip?

Of course in the present, a killer still stalks the prison. Who is that? Is it simply an inmate still there, or one of the medical mutants?

In awesome news, Ryan Murphy tweeted yesterday for the premier “So thrilled to announce Dylan McDermott is returning to American Horror Story!” They’re bringing sexy back!


666 Park Avenue Just Keeps Getting Weirder!

666 Park Avenue Just Keeps Getting Weirder!

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2012 at 6:13 pm

I have to say I’m still loving this show, but I am often puzzled as to what is going on! The latest episode gave of some hints and clues, but a lot of new twists to the mystery at the same time. I’m thinking I need to get my hands on the book this show is based on just to try and figure out where everything is going! It’s only 2 bucks on Amazon right now, but the description sounds very different from the show.

Much of this episode centered on some woman who worked as an obituary writer at the newspaper, but also lived in the building. She wants to do bigger things, and Gavin gives her the push she needs. She learns that she had the power to make what she writes come true . . . though when she pushes things too far, she pays the ultimate price. In an attempt to impress the editor she made up some fanciful story about a local dead guy really being a secret Russian hit man and spy, or something along those lines. In the end, her creation comes to fruition, and he storms her apartment and takes her out! Gavin was the one who suggested the whole idea to her, basically because it seems he wanted this mob killer for his own purposes. Next week it seems the killer is targeting Henry! I’m sure this is to make Henry take on this “hero” role that Gavin has talked about.

The other writer in the building and his photographer wife, Brian and Louise, are still being plagued by the creepy neighbor Louise that Brian watches through his window while he writes. Brian called up Henry about their lease to try and break it. When Henry showed up at their place, he got an unintended show from Louise! The secret is somewhat out I guess. Later Louise put the moves on Alexis during a dinner party, and that angered Brian. I’m not sure where their storyline is leading, but hey we get to look at that hunky actor shirtless a whole lot!

Gavin asked Jane to look after Olivia as it was the anniversary of their daughter’s death. This meant Olivia was going to lose it, which she did. She took Jane on a joy ride, which happened to be how their daughter ended her life. She drove, purposefully, into a cement pylon. So we know two things about their daughter now . . . well maybe three? She was old enough to drive, she may have known the deal with her parents which is why she ended her life, and she’s clearly not the little girl ghost in the basement who seems so attached to Jane. Later in the episode we saw Olivia burn their daughter’s suicide note, and we saw that she referred to her father as evil! We didn’t see the whole note, but I wonder if maybe she was Gavin’s step-daughter and not his biological daughter?

Gavin and Henry continued to bond in this episode, and he set Henry up with some councilman who is up for election that Henry was hoping to get a job working for. However everything Gavin does seems to serve a higher purpose, and it seems Gavin wants something from the councilman. Gavin seems to be buying up a lot of property in New York . . . but for what purpose? When the councilman says he can’t give Gavin what he wants, Gavin later suggests to Henry instead of being a drone for the Councilman . . he should run?


Glee Pages Bette Midler!

Glee Pages Bette Midler!

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2012 at 3:16 pm

Even though “Glee” won’t be back until November 8th, some huge news has dropped. According to Playbill and other sources, Ryan Murphy recently and publicly asked Bette Midler to guest star on “Glee,” and it appears it’s going to happen! Bette has tweeted a suggestion to Murphy to play Rachel’s grandmother.

In other “Glee” news, The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that “American Idol Season 11” runner up Jessica Sanchez has signed to join the show. There is no word as to what her role might be at this time.

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Once Upon A Time: Ogre Wars and Cora

Once Upon A Time: Ogre Wars and Cora

Posted by Dustin on 10.15.2012 at 2:28 pm

After two weeks of amazingly fast paced episodes, we had to expect the ride to slow down eventually. I felt like that’s what this week episode was, a slow point. Much of the episode was focused on the other side and Snow and Emma, which I was glad for. Last week they were very much absent. However I don’t feel like we advanced the story that far along. I’m sure they are saving a lot of excitement at this point for November sweeps month.

The whole point of this episode seemed to be that the Evil Queen Cora is still as evil as ever, and still had all her powers. She’s taken control of the survivors, though they don’t really know it – but probably soon will. She has been impersonating Lancelot and acting as their leader for who knows how long! By the end of the episode Snow and Emma knew this though when she revealed herself to them, and that she killed Lancelot long ago.

Snow thought they could use the tree/cabinet portal they sent Emma through to get back to their world. However before they could use it, Cora revealed herself to them. She had been looking for a way over there for so long, to get to Regina and now her grandson. Emma lost it and wouldn’t let that happened, so she torched the portal. Cora was furious and vanished. Later though, after Snow and the others left, she returned to gather the ashes of the tree into a vial that glowed. It seems there is still enough magic left! Oh dear! Snow meanwhile has agreed to be the new leader of the refugees, and Mulan has promised to help her and Emma find a way back.

We still don’t know where Regina banished her mother to do we? Or how she got back. I still think it was Wonderland. I think she really was the Queen of Hearts. It would explain why she hated Regina and refused to call her queen, and why she had Henry’s hear. After all Regina did push her mother through a mirror when banishing her . . . .

We saw some back stories as to how Snow and Charming met Lancelot. Lancelot was King George’s knight. King George tried to punish Charming and Snow by poisoning Snow and making her infertile. But Lancelot and Charming’s mother used the last drops of the waters of mystic lake to cure Snow from the curse. The water was supposed to be used to cure Charming’s mother, who was dying from a poison arrow from George’s soldiers . . . but she sacrificed herself for Snow and her son’s future happiness.

Back in the Storybrook, Jefferson was finally reunited with his daughter. Meanwhile George resurfaced, and with his memory back now that the curse was broken, it seems his hatred towards Charming is back too!

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More Grimm Season 2 Thoughts . . . .

More Grimm Season 2 Thoughts . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2012 at 3:08 pm

I have to say I’m really loving Season 2 of “Grimm.” They’ve really been doing an excellent job of tying each episode into the other, and continuing a storyline arc. They didn’t do that so well last season, which is why I started getting a little bored with the show.

I’m really loving Hank being on Team Grimm. I loved Hank and Monroe bonding the other week, and Hank asking Monroe to change for him. When Nick took him to the trailer I was dying over his reaction to all the weapons. I’m also glad that Hank knows it was Monroe who saved him from the Ogre.

Even though I knew it was coming, I can’t stand the whole Juliette and Renard obsession after the kiss. The trailers make is seem that Renard is really gunna go a little nutty over her. I hope Juliette isn’t going to fall for him as well. This whole story will probably be what exposes Renard to Nick though. I was also slightly annoyed over the misleading teasers of Juliette remembering, when in fact it turned out all to be a dream Nick was having.

The teasers are also showing the return of Adaline the Hexenbeast. She wants to know who killed her mom, and suspects it is Nick. She also seems to be getting into bed with Renard’s brother. We haven’t seen too much of him as of late, or what he’s up to other than trying to get those keys. My guess is Adaline’s return will also bring Nick’s mom back to town. The teasers are showing Adaline with her powers back too . . . I don’t know if that’s also just misleading or not. If she has her powers back, it won’t be good for anyone.

I can’t wait for the Halloween episode in two weeks to see how they tackle the story of La Lorena. I’m not sure how this will work in Portland, as it’s a Southwest/Mexican ghost story of a woman who drowned her kids . . . but it should be interesting!

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9021 . . . .Oh No Dixon Lives!

9021 . . . .Oh No Dixon Lives!

Posted by Dustin on 10.11.2012 at 1:29 pm

So I had seen “90210” on my Tivo, but the title just seemed like the wedding finale from last year. So I didn’t watch it. Last night is when I realize that was the season premier. So I finally made my way through it, and here are my thoughts.

Naomi and Max ended up marrying on an impulse, which probably means this isn’t going to end happily ever after. Max’s business partner Alec seems dead set against Naomi, he knows she broke his heart before and he refuses to let her do it again. It’s clear he’s going to cause problems. Um, has everyone forgotten that when Naomi thought she was pregnant that Max ditched her? I don’t think this should all be put on Naomi.

Navid and Liam both wanted Silver, but she wanted a baby more. Navid was going to give Silver a baby, Liam wasn’t ready for that. Silver didn’t know which guy she liked more . . . and ended up going to Teddy for a baby. In the end Teddy said yes, and Liam and Navid seem to be over Silver for the time being. I don’t think Teddy will end up going through with this honestly. I’m not sure why Silver doesn’t just start freezing eggs?

Vanessa returned and told Liam he had a contract to shoot a movie sequel, and it would cost 200 grand to get out of it. As luck would have it, his bar burned down! It seems the insurance money may cover it, but I don’t think Vanessa is about to let Liam go that easily. Something worries me that Liam and Annie will end up hooking up again. They really need some new blood for these kids!

In Vegas Adrianna hooked up with a new guy to try and get Dixon out of her head. He however turned out to be the club promoter who was supposed to come see her perform. However she had to jet after learning about Dixon’s accident, so she never went on.

Dixon is of course alive. This was spoiled over the summer in photos from the set. I’m just not a fan of his character and wouldn’t mind him going away. I am glad it brought Annie and Dixon’s mom back, even if only briefly. It’s silly that we never see any of these kids parents anymore. Dixon is alive, and now Adrianna is by his side. However the club promoter from Vegas has shown up in town looking for her . . . stalkerish much? He met up with Navid, who seems to have decided to take over (or partner with) Liam’s bar. He and this new guy also struck a deal to promote the beach bar . . . but it’s clear this guy only wants Adrianna. I have a feeling Adrianna is only going to stay with Dixon out of guilt though.

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Glee Season 4 Thoughts So Far . . . .

Glee Season 4 Thoughts So Far . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2012 at 7:15 pm

So first I have to say that I’ve been loving the music this season! It seems like now that we’ve graduated from high school, they’ve moved on from the 80s and to the music of the 90s. Can we get some Alanis please!

I have been getting a little tired of “The Rachel Show,” and would like to see a bit more balance. It seems like in many of the episodes, McKinley has barely been featured, and except for this latest episode, Shue and Emma have been really lacking in air time.

I have loved Kurt going to New York and working in fashion for Sarah Jessica Parker, but I really want him at NYADA! I really get her telling him that dreams change, and maybe in fashion was where he should be . . . but Kurt should be singing. He can do both 🙂

Santana vented a lot to Britney about Kurt’s trip to New York, and it seems she’s not that into the college she’s at. It was brought up that her mom gave her that money to follow her dreams . . . I think we’ll see Santana in New York before long.

Finn returned, and we learned he was in the army for a whole of 14 days before an accidental discharged rifle injured him and ended his career. Okay the boy had no coordination on stage ever, how did we not see this coming?

The break-up episode that just aired was heartbreaking. We knew Rachel and Finn were going to be over, but Blaine and Kurt ?!?!?! How could Blaine cheat! How!!!! Blaine, I no longer *heart* you anymore! Also I really hated that the show is straining Emma and Will. It’s taken so long for them to get to where they are, now this temporary job in Washington is going to come between them? Boo!

I love how they are working Finn into the show directing the musical at McKinley, which could help him follow his own dreams at some point. I’m not a fan of “Grease” though . . . why “Grease!” I get it though, it fits the new characters at the club.

I’m hoping we soon find out where Quinn, Mercedes and some of the others have been. I have to say so far I’m not a fan of Puck’s younger brother Jacob. More Unique please!

After the last episode we got the news that the show wouldn’t be back until November 8th. Grrrr! They do this every year, and every year it catches me off guard. Usually though we get a little further into the season before the hiatuses start. This year . . . . I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe they needed to rework the format? Or is this just about football and elections?

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