Once Upon A Time: Cora’s Cold Black Missing Heart!

Once Upon A Time: Cora’s Cold Black Missing Heart!

Posted by Dustin on 03.10.2013 at 8:08 pm

Neil/Bae sailed home on the Jolly Roger as Emma tried to keep Gold alive, while at the same time worried about Cora and Regina getting their hands on his daggar.

Gold had a plan to save himself and deal with Cora once and for all. After the arrived he summoned Snow. He offered her the very same candle Cora offered her as a child. They could use it to kill Cora and save Rumple, the only problem was that Cora’s heart was not in her body and must be returned first. Snow saw an opportunity to do away with both of them . . . but Rumple was quick to point out she’d be killing Henry’s grandfather! Could she live with that?

Regina and Cora came to face off with Emma Charming and Gold. Cora was determined to kill Rumple and end this, but then she realized someone had her heart and sent Regina to deal with them. Snow had found Cora’s heart, she found it in Regina’s heart chamber locked up. She then used the candle over the heart to get rid of Cora once and for all . . . However Regina then found Snow with it. Snow claimed she wanted to give it to Regina, this is why Cora can’t love her or anyone. Regina said her mother took it out to protect her. Snow said if they give her her heart . . . what might happen? Cora may change her mind. Regina would have a mother and a grandmother to Henry. Snow said or her mother could become the Dark One. She offered the heart to Regina telling her to make the choice.

Rumple called Belle to say goodbye to her. She was still in the hospital. He told her that she was a hero, she helped her people, and she loved and ugly man. Rumple then seemed to be ready to accept he might die . . . Neil then cried with his father, not wanting to accept it.

In the past, we learned that Cora’s beef with Snow’s mother started when Cora, a miller’s daughter, “insulted” Snow’s mother Ava and was forced to kneel and apologize. Snow’s mom Eva was apparently a huge diva as a kid, and Cora held a grudge. Seriously what is it with this family hating on kids? Eva’s grandfather was no better though, and he seemed to real the main cause of Cora’s vengeance. At a ball Cora snuck into and was caught by the king, so she told him that she could spin straw into gold . . . something the kingdom very much needed at that time. She was locked up with the task of doing so, and if she succeeded she could marry his son! Fail? She would die!

Locked in a tower, Rumple first appeared to Cora to take her as an apprentice and teach her to spin straw into gold, but of corse there was a price! He wanted her first born child, a daughter . . . Cora and Rumple bonded over their poor and humble beginnings, how the upper class insulted them both.

Cora spun her gold and married the Prince! Yes, this would be Henry. Of course on her wedding day the man she loved and wanted was Rumple. Ew! She was also fifth in line to be queen, and that sucked. Why shouldn’t she be happy with Rumple and love? Rumple however said while he could give her love, all he could also give her is darkness and isolation. Rumple then reworked their contract, rather than her owe him some random child . . . she would owe him his child! Yup, it looks like we’ve learned who Regina’s true father is? Cora then also asked to kill the king as part of this new deal. Rumple then showed Cora how to take a heart and crush it.

The king however was no fool and knew about her Rumple. He wanted her to make a choice between his son and the imp, and she did. She couldn’t take his heart, and she chose to marry Henry. She took her own heart out and put it in a box she presented to Rumple! Rumple said she would take her baby, but Cora said that he changed the contract and he only gets his own child . . . any baby she has won’t be his! Well double damn, Regina isn’t his after all? But I swore there was a conversation where Henry alluded that he didn’t know who Regina’s real father was? What the heck is going on here? Who is Regina’s real father?

Back in Storybrooke, the final showdown was going on. Cora went to see a dying Rumple, and said she had to rip her heart out because Rumple was her weakness and the only man she ever really loved. As she went to stab him with the dagger, Regina plunged her mother’s heart back into her. They smiled at one another . . . However Rumple soon became better, and Cora keeled over . . . it seems Snow did the spell with the candle and it worked! Cora died in Regina’s arms as Rumple lived.

Back in the past Cora had her child, Regina. She then presented her to the kingdom as their future Queen. To the present! Regina felt Rumple did this to her, but he said he did nothing. Snow burst in to try and stop Regina, but she was too late. Regina said “You did this!” Oh dear, Regina’s sure gunna be pissed now!

Lord this back and forth blame game is getting to be too much! Rumple has manipulated Cora and Regina from day one and neither is smart enough to see it. Well maybe Cora was, but not Regina. I still don’t think Regina is not Rumples. I know Henry told Cora he had suspicions of another man. But maybe this was supposed to resolve that Regina really was Henry’s? Your thoughts?


Not So Gleeful Anymore . . .

Not So Gleeful Anymore . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.09.2013 at 5:25 pm

So it seems the love affair with “Glee” is over. From many friends on facebook this was made clear. One commented they were giving the show one more shot, another gave up episodes ago, one friend says she hate watches at this point and I made the comment that it’s that one show I just can’t quit.

This episode was yet another good example of some of the issues I’ve had with the show this season, and overall. First, let’s talk about the music. This last episode at least had some memorable ditties from the 80s. That hasn’t always been the case though. For many of the episodes the music has stunk this season. I don’t know when the last time I bothered to download Glee music was. I think it was either the Madonna episode or Rocky Horror, whichever was more recent.

Why does the show just ignore Tina? I love her, let her sing more! The “Hung Up” number she did a few episodes ago was the best part of that episode!

Speaking of Madonna, the girls mash-up this week was weak! They had one line from “Material Girl” inserted into “Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend.” What was up with that? Mr. Shue should have failed them.

The show within a show continues to fail. Too much time is spent on trying to mash all these separate story lines in, and frankly I don’t care about half of the new Glee kids. I’m also finding it very hard to feel bad for pregnant Rachel, because she’s just become so unlikeable. I know they will find a way to send Finn to NY to be with her, and that her baby will end up being his. Finn can do a lot better.

The stuff hit the fan this week when Finn admitted to Will what he did to Emma. Next week’s episode has Will and Finn facing off. At least it’s back to the original characters, which I’d rather the show focused on. I could care less about Brody the playboy up in NY, or most of the new Glee Club kids. I know they needed to bring in new ones for the club, but they could have just been background characters and we could have focused on Tina, Artie, Brittany and Unique. Don’t even get me started on Jesus Dreads.

Also ignored this season has been Sue and Becky, whose one-liners are what used to make every show. Where have they been? Why don’t they get a storyline? What happened to Beastie while we are at it?

STOP bringing in annoying new characters and focus on the ones we grew to love. Frankly I’d rather get updates on Quinn and Mercedes than watch all this Puck brother nonsense with Marnia and Kitty.

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Body of Proof: Hope For The Third Season?

Body of Proof: Hope For The Third Season?

Posted by Dustin on 03.07.2013 at 8:54 pm

So I am getting used to the new “Body of Proof,” though I still miss Peter, Bud and the others. Mark Valley’s character as the singular cop is fine, but he’s still no Peter as far as I’m concerned!

This week’s episode was all about an uber religious father who was convinced his daughters were possessed by the devil, but in reality the “good” yet “slighted” daughter was drugging them with PCP to make them think they were possessed and act like it.

However at one point one of the girls said something to Megan, a saying her father used to say to her as a child all the time. She thought it must be a coincidence, but how did she know? At the end, after the case was “solved” and they knew it was drugs and not the devil, the second “possessed” sister also said the phrase. And Megan gasped . . .

I am hopeful that what this means is that they are going to revive the mystery of her father’s death that was all but abandoned during the second season.

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Body of Proof

Once Upon A Time: Cora Strikes Again!

Once Upon A Time: Cora Strikes Again!

Posted by Dustin on 03.05.2013 at 8:31 pm

Once again we got a very flashback filled show that gave us more background to Snow’s heartbreak and Cora’s machinations. Soon we’ll see what turned Cora’s heart black, with her own flashback episode staring Rose McGowan as a young Cora . . .

The episode took place on Snow’s birthday, in the present and the past. In the present Snow learned Cora was out to find Rumple’s dagger and wanted to stop her. In the past Snow’s mother the Queen became mysteriously sick . . .

In the past, Snow was desperate to save her mother. The Blue Fairy offered her a potion that would save her mom, but it was dark magic . . . Snow couldn’t do it. She felt guilty, but her mother told her to to as she did the right thing. We learned that the illness was brought on by Cora, who also was disguised as the fairy to tempt Snow. Cora was determined to turn Snow’s heart black as coal . . .

In the present, Snow manages to find the dagger, but Cora and Regina have her old nurse maid as a hostage and will kill her unless she gives up the dagger. She does, and of course Cora kills her anyways. But not before Snow realizes it was Cora years ago who posed as the Blue Fairy. This bit of info sends Regina’s mind into overdrive. Her mother had been plotting for years before she realized to make her the Queen . . . but why? Unfortunately Regina still doesn’t have the guts to stand up to her mom and whatever her ultimate plan is.

Hook meanwhile escaped and headed to New York to get his revenge on Rumple/Gold, which he did get kinda. He stabbed him, but Neil and Emma come to his aid before Hook can fully kill him. Oh and Emma learned Neil has a fiance . . . akward!

The episode once again wasn’t my favorite. I think though we are leading to a mother daughter show down eventually, and it will be over Henry. When Cora learns he is Rumple’s grandson, she’ll want him. Rumple will also want him, because he could be his undoing. Rumple and Cora clearly have some bizarre sexual past. I can see them possibly teaming up, or going to war over Henry. Either way, I think it will force Regina and Emma to work to save him from both of them.


ABC March Spoilers . . .

ABC March Spoilers . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.03.2013 at 1:56 pm

A few ABC spoilers for March. . . shows seem to be scarce now that February Sweeps are over. I’m sure they’ll pick up again soon . . .

This week on “Once Upon A Time,” we learn about Snow’s real mother and her death.
On “Body of Proof,” two weeks of spoilers, including a case of exorcism? I think they missed Halloween by a few months . .
When “Grey’s” returns next week with a new episode, one doctor may quit over the new management at the hospital!

Read on for all the spoilers . . .

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Body of Proof, Grey's Anatomy, Once Upon A Time

Army Wives Spoilers! Season 7 . . .

Army Wives Spoilers! Season 7 . . .

Posted by Dustin on 03.03.2013 at 1:45 pm

Spoilers from the TV Listings, I’ll update these as more official information comes out, likely as the season begins along with the season premier . As you can see the first episode is being kept fairly “secret,” though we all know what happens at this point. RIP Claudia Joy!

March 10 – Ashes to Ashes
The people of Fort Marshall mourn the loss of one of their own.

March 17 – From The Ashes
The group comes together to say goodbye to a loved one.
Roxy and Gloria befriend a young Army wife.
Roland is offered an opportunity to expand his research work.
A fight breaks out at the Hump.

March 24 – Blowback
Denise has her hands full.
Latasha, Maggie and Denise are brought together when their boys get into trouble.
Jackie worries about Kevin’s return to battle.
Joan is surprised by her new orders.
News of an explosion rocks Fort Marshall.

March 31 – Home and Hearth
Joan is disappointed to be pulled from combat.
Latasha’s son is rushed to the emergency room.
Gloria receives her divorce papers.
Maggie and Eddie adjust to their new home.
The men are moved to a dangerous outpost in Afghanistan

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Pretty Little Liars Final Episodes of the Season!

Pretty Little Liars Final Episodes of the Season!

Posted by Dustin on 03.03.2013 at 1:31 pm

Below are the spoilers for the final three episodes of the season! Some highlights include . . .

– Spencer goes missing . . .
– Caleb’s Father/Uncle has a secret past . . .
– Spencer is found, but something doesn’t seem right with her . . .
– Word has it the girl in the red hood will be revealed!

Read on for all!

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Grimm Finally Returns!

Grimm Finally Returns!

Posted by Dustin on 03.03.2013 at 11:06 am

It’s literally been forever since the last episode of “Grimm,” but the gang finally returns this week. Several other shows also return too, so I’m looking forward to some good TV hopefully!

March 8th 9pm – FACE OFF
NICK MUST FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF LEARNING THE TRUTH ABOUT JULIETTE — After Nick (David Giuntoli) learns about Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) and Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz), he must deal with the consequences. Things get even more complicated when Nick is called to investigate his own crime. Meanwhile, the search for the key intensifies as Captain Renard finds Nick’s trailer and makes a surprising alliance. With Rosalee’s (Bree Turner) help, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) informs Nick that they might be able to stop what’s going on with Renard and Juliette before it goes too far. Elsewhere, Wu (Reggie Lee) responds to a bizarre shooting at Nick and Juliette’s house. Claire Coffee also stars.

March 15th 9pm – NATURAL BORN WESEN
THE WESEN COMMUNITY IS IN TURMOIL WHEN THE CODE OF HONOR IS BROKEN – The Wesen code of honor comes into question when Nick (David Giuntoli), Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) discover a series of bank robberies with Wesen using true natures as their disguises. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) finds herself tormented by faint, slowly returning memories that cause her to question her mental state. Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, Bree Turner and Claire Coffee also star.

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